Never one to shy away from extensive research, has analyzed its visitor statistics for our extensive VMworld Europe 2008 video coverage, proving that eyeballs for interviews don’t necessarily follow the trail of the most reputable interviewees or eloquent answers. Allow us to share a few proven online marketing techniques, which apparently skew the video metrics and raise exposure dramatically:
Blonde female executives get more attention than male gurus
For reasons beyond our understanding, the audience prefers watching a smart blonde female executive 4 times more than a seasoned male expert from the virtualization trenches. Our professional advice: start shaving your legs, guys …
CEOs who pretend to forget their great company base line
We love technology gossip sites like . And apparently, your hard-to-reach target audience of CIO’s, venture capitalists & IT managemers is much like us and seems to spend less time analyzing dull virtualization reports from Gartner or IDC and more time on popular, snarky tech blogs. Raise the attention you get from folks at Silicon Valley by instructing your foreign language CEO to make a remarkable introduction (over 1.600 views and counting). Make sure to reference the interview on your own corporate website too, so nobody misses out on it. Lots of free publicity guaranteed!
Demonstrations are more attractive when popular YouTube keywords are included
Due to the nature of flash video hosting websites, it always helps to spice your boring software product presentations with some interactive tricks of general interest. Card tricks prove to be such a popular category on YouTube (26.000 results and counting). This is also how the Marketing Manager with Veeam garnered a lot more attention for his VMworld booth during the event and for ever after on those flash video hosting platforms … After the magic, he continues with a demo on their software solutions. Unfortunately our web analytics do not reveal how many of those card lovers understand the tricks & benefits Veeam software could provide them.
For now the PR and marketing officers at Veeam seem to rule at this game and take away the main prize for maximizing their VMworld Europe 2008 exposure with a double entry in this Top 3!
We are already looking forward to our interview with the naturally blonde Diane Greene, CEO of VMware. At this point, it’s unclear if she knows about the foreign-accent-amnesia combined with card-trickery skills the interviewees above seem to have mastered. But we promise to dig into the matter!
What if we just give Tarry a Makeover .. then the other person in the interview doesn’t matter anymore 🙂