Xen.org, home of the open source Xen hypervisor, today announced the availability of Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) 1.0.
Developed as part of the Xen Cloud Project introduced in 2009, XCP 1.0 provides a solution for small and medium size enterprises looking to build private clouds, as well as open source enthusiasts, universities and researchers wanting to experiment with cloud computing.
It represents a shift in enterprise usability for Xen.org, which has traditionally released software as source code only. X
XCP is an open source server virtualization platform in a single, tested installable image that features the Xen hypervisor, network and storage support, a management stack and tools, as well as support for a range of guest operating systems including Windows and Linux.
XCP 1.0 includes a fully featured, enterprise-class Xen API Management tool stack with features such as disaster recovery support, security, real-time performance monitoring, support for multi-host resource pools, and upgrade and patching capabilities.
XCP 1.0 provides support for virtual networking capabilities via Open vSwitch and a range of open source GUI management tools.
The Xen community will also be enabled to test features with XCP 1.0 that could offer future value to enterprise products such as Citrix XenServer and Citrix OpenCloud.
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