Double-Take Software is releasing Double-Take Availability for Linux Version 4.6, which now provides businesses with continuous full-server protection and allows users to protect not only data and applications but also the entire Linux system including operating system and application files.
This product conducts real-time, full-server replication, which protects OS, application and data files to another server, allowing the user to effectively recover data on demand in the case of a server failure or data loss.
In addition to full-server replication, Double-Take Availability for Linux Version 4.6 also expands support for Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) beyond version 10 to include support for versions 9 and 11.
Double-Take Availability for Linux Version 4.6 is an ideal solution for full-server continuous protection and application availability for Linux users without the expense and complexity of hardware-based replication or proprietary clustering technologies.
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