We got an interesting comment on our report on Qlusters calling it quits, which points us to the fact that the website of Virtugo Software has been down for some time. Commenter Blocka suspects the company has gone belly-up, since the phones have been disconnected and e-mails remain unanswered.
Virtugo Software had a powerful virtual management suite called VirtualSuite, enabling system administrators to monitor host and virtual servers in real-time as well as optimize the performance of applications running on the servers in the virtual environment. In April 2007, Virtugo was acquired by uXcomm, who changed its name in Virtugo Software, and in September 2007 they shipped an upgraded version of VirtualSuite, which got quite some positive reviews. The company also subsequently raised about $2 million in venture capital.
After that, it got a little quiet around Virtugo Software, with the exception of a Network World review of VirtualSuite in February 2008. Then one of the co-founders left the company to become a Vice President at Computer Associates last March. Apparently, Chris Dickson fled a sinking ship.
We have an e-mail in with the company for a response, and well update this post if we get an answer.
If anyone has more information, get in touch.
Virtugo shut down in May 2008 after being unable to obtain funding.
Chris Disckon left the company around the start of 2008.
There are rumors the company’s IP is being shopped around to various companies.
Virtugo/UXcomm did die a lingering death, with too few dolars and too few engineers to deliver on the original vision. UXCommm aquired Virtugo as a”hail Mary” pass, and cast off all but a handful of engineers to attempt to save the sinking ship. Instead the life raft got sucked up in undertow.