Andrew Kutz, author, developer and one of the leading experts on x86 server virtualization, has released version 1.0 of his populair VI plug-in SVmotion. The plug-in is available at SourceForge and includes new features like:
- No longer counts RDM files against datastore size, fixing the bug that plagued the last version.
- SVMotion operations against templates are not supported since VMware does not support them.
- Added tool tips that explain why a relocation cannot take place
- Automatically registers itself upon installation so you don’t have to enable it inside the VI client.
- All SVMotion events write out a log, enabling better understanding of what went wrong in case of an error.
- Aside from the library that loads the plug-in, all of VMware’s internal code has been replaced with the VI Toolkit for .NET.
- The project is now supported by almost 20 unit tests, helping to ensure fewer bugs and greater stability.
- The unit tests can be expanded to include testing for a system-resource supported number of servers since they use mock testing designed to work with the VI Toolkit for .NET.
- The project is now built using NAnt, which allows nightly builds of the source, creates distributions, and builds the MSI installer.
Update: also read this Virtualization Admin article, and Andrew’s comment on this post.
[Source: VMBlog]
Thanks for the note! On another one, I wanted to make sure that everyone knew of one aspect of this new version of the plug-in.
One of the most annoying aspects of developing applications for VMware Infrastructure (VI) is that VI servers are needed in order to test the applications. And even if there is a spare VI server laying around for testing, is it guaranteed to be in the perfect state for testing — every single time?
It would be ideal then if there were some way to develop and test application code for VI without depending upon a VI server for testing. Now there is. The latest release of the VI Toolkit for .NET (0.2) supports mocking VI. Now, that is not to say that there is a method called MakeFunOfESX(), but rather the toolkit has been reshaped to be 100% mockable.
Mock object frameworks for .NET have been around for a while, long enough that several have emerged, Rhino Mocks being one of the better ones. Leveraging the power of the Rhino Mocks framework has enabled the creation of an entirely mockable VI inventory. For example, it is possible to create an entire VI inventory via mock objects, enabling programmers to write code without needing access to ESX servers during the development process.
To read more about how to test application code written against the VI API using mock objects, please the the following URL,
motion rules.
Is the SVMotion plugin opensource?
I have a whole bunch of misaligned VMs and the Netapp tool requires shutting then all down to align them.
Why not make a SVMotion plugin with the option to properly align on the destination volume?