Expand Networks today announces increased market penetration and global customer growth, as deployment of Expand technology reached record numbers. Expand now has over 50, 000 units deployed across a customer base of over 4,500 enterprises and corporate customers, continuing its drive into the global WAN Optimization market in 2009.
Expand is seeing heightened interest amongst its customer base for the deployment of its Virtual Accelerator (VACC) at the datacenter. The ability to seamlessly integrate a virtualized WAN Optimization solution within this environment, coupled with the ability to achieve visibility and control of virtualized applications gives Expand a unique differentiator in the market and a strong value proposition. Furthermore, as cloud-based services become more prevalent, whether private or public, the provision of an end-to-end software solution for virtualized WAN Optimization from the data center, to the branch office and mobile users is an extremely compelling offering.
In support of its continued R&D activity, Expand surveyed a focus group of senior global IT decision makers to sense market sentiment for advanced WAN Optimization. 75% of those questioned had deployed, or planned to deploy some form of virtualization in the next 12 months. Key findings include:
- 67% cited WAN Optimization technology as an enabler to a successful virtualization project and high-performing virtualization environments.
- 85% considered it important to deploy a Virtual WAN Optimization solution within a virtualized environment.
- 76% would consider adopting a WAN Optimization-as-a-Service strategy if offered at a compelling price point, with 44% citing ongoing cost efficiency and reduction in OPEX as a key driver for this.
- 59.3% are considering cloud computing to host data and applications.
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